Friday, October 3, 2014

Continuing on 2014 update...

I have struggled with severe depression most of my life. For the last 25 plus years I have dealt with connective tissue disease which keeps me in chronic, constant pain. Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore is one  of  3 places worldwide that is using E C T as a treatment for pain. I've been a patient at Hopkins pain program for 20 years and was offered the opportunity to try this treatment. To a large extent it has worked. I'm still in constant pain but I'm able to treat it with Tylenol and another anti inflammatory drug. No narcotics and no opioids. I still struggle with depression but I am getting help from a new medicine. I seem to be feeling better because of it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Glenn. I live in Channelview. I know tour son. As a matter of fact he and my daughter are involved now for about 3 years. (Please dont hold that against me) . i wanted to tell you what a fine man you made sir. Cameron is an asset to all of us.Be proud. Renee