Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Maybe some leatherwork...

So...today I screwed up another ukulele that I've been building...I have never made one start to finish without screwing something up badly...Other builders are very kind and say great things like 'really good craftsmen fix their screw ups so no one can tell the difference' inferring that I am a good craftsman because I can do this...It's bullshit! Really good craftsmen learn their craft and after doing it for 10 years, yes 10 years, are able to practice their craft with relatively few screw ups let alone every time they build something...the truth is that I am a really good leather craftsman. I did that discipline for 25 years and when I stopped doing it I was a master leather craftsman. At this point I am sure without a doubt that I will never be a good luthier.

I like doing lutherie. I find all the details of it a lot of fun. I had intended to make a living off of it when I started doing it semi full time a few years ago but after 2 years without selling any instruments I decided that there was just no way for me to make it work. So I decided that I would just do it for fun after I finished up all the half built ukes lying around the shop. I'm still in the process of doing that. I am gonna fix the latest screw up and finish that uke and the other one on my bench at the moment...after that I'm not sure what I'll do...maybe some leather work.

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